Sunday, June 19, 2011

More Severe Weather Likely this Afternoon

A very strong upper wave now in western Kentucky will begin diving southeast toward Tennessee and the Carolinas today and is already being accompanied by tornadoes and high winds. The Storm Prediction Center (SPC) is forecasting this line to intensify this Father's Day , meaning once again the Carolinas will be at risk for another major line of thunderstorms with widespread winds over 50mph, possibly up to 80mph, with hail high winds, and this time tornadoes can't be ruled out. There's additional shear thanks to how the atmosphere is set up today, so the line may end up being a vicious line capable of toppling trees and producing high winds on a very widespread basis. So far this season, many of these lines of storms have gained even more momentum and power as they rocket down the east side of the Appalachian mountains placing the western and central piedmont of the Carolinas in a very dangerous spot.
There may be one more of these Meso Scale Convective Complexes to affect the Carolinas Monday, and then we'll return to normal afternoon "pop up" storms on a more isolated basis. Meanwhile the heat will build this week with temps hitting the middle and upper 90's.

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