Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Extreme Heat Wave Still Likely

Just a quick note on the upcoming HOT weekend. The GFS is still portraying a strong upper high to form over the Apps region of the East and South, and has high dewpoints to go along with the heat, especially in the piedmont regions. Its showing widespread 100 degree temperatures, and has low temperatures in upper South Carolina Sunday morning around 80 degrees.  Sunday could be the hotter of the two days with many places outside the mountains climbing to around 101 to 103 degrees on the thermometer. The really dangerous part of this heatwave is going to be the sultry , humid airmass that accompanies the hot air. This time, many areas of the region are coming off a few days of widespread showers and thunderstorms, so the ground will release tons of low level moisture into the hot airmass, making it feel incredibly uncomfortable.
High Temps on Saturday and Sunday could pass the Century Mark, and Heat Index numbers will go well over 100.
Be sure to stay indoors if you can and check on the elderly folks often and take especially good care of the outside animals and keep hydrated with plenty of water. A heat index of 110 or 115 degrees is extremely dangerous.

1 comment:

  1. Will the extreme heat wave include Jackson & Macon Counties in Western North Carolina?????
