Thursday, October 27, 2011

Snow and Sleet In NC Mountains, Followed by First Widespread Frost

A rapidly developing East Coast storm will spread cold rain over the Carolinas and north Georgia Friday afternoon, when temperatures will drop almost 30 degrees from where they will be on Thursday afternoon. Look for temperatures to hold steady in the upper 40's across western NC in places like Hickory and Charlotte, after being in the 70's just a day before.  Meanwhile the air aloft will get cold enough to produce snow in the northern mountains of NC and southwest Virginia by Friday night and Saturday. I can't say how much precip will fall at this time, but it could be significant enough for accumulations overnight and early Saturday morning, as the storm strengthens going up the East Coast.
Big Switch From Thursday into Friday and Early Saturday along the East Coast
Sun sunshine could break out later Saturday afternoon, as the clear skies and high pressure build in, but here comes the Carolinas first widespread frost and freeze. By Sunday morning, the heavy dew will have turned to an icing of frost across many a windshield by dawn, with temperatures all across the piedmont in the low to mid 30's, with some upper 20's in the foothills and mountains.  By Sunday afternoon we will have a beautiful sunny, but still chilly, day.


  1. What is your thoughts on the Boone area on Saturday morning? Heading up for the game and should arrive around 7:45. Rain, snow..Or just a lite mess until mid morning??
    Thanks Robert!!

  2. we need an update...
