Monday, May 9, 2011

Very Wet Pattern Looms Ahead

A very wet pattern likely develops late this week and continues into much of next week in the Green Shades.
A quick note while much of the East and Southeast is enjoying tranquil , nice weather. Its all about to come to a screeching halt. A fundamental pattern shift will occur beginning late this week , and will last a while. Blocking in Canada will force a strong upper low to carve out over the Midwest to Appalachian region, bringing in Gulf moisture and high humidity. The strong May sunshine will work on this high dewpoint air to build tall towers of puffy cumulus that grow into tall thunderheads over many areas, on a daily basis. Its been a while since the Southeast has been in this type of pattern, one more reminiscent of early Summertime. Enjoy the sunny, and nice weather now for soon we'll be sweltering in high humidity, and daily afternoon thunderstorms over a large chunk of the eastern US.  Some areas just east of the Upper low could end up getting too much rain by the time the next 10 days ends...perhaps over 15" in some counties.  Unfortunately, as nature often works in extremes, the southern part of Texas to the Southwest won't be able to buy a drop of rain, as they suffer an intensifying drought and an early heat wave.

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